the million moving shapes and cul-de-sacs of shadow, 2021
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the million moving shapes and cul-de-sacs of shadow, 2021
the million moving shapes and cul-de-sacs of shadow, 2021

Installation including cyanotypes, earth, apple tree, wormhole, and immersive digital projection of liquid materialities.

I worked with cyanotypes to express consciousness in and through liquid form. Thinking through both individual and collective consciousness, I grouped 55 single-sheets of chemically processed copy paper and explored bodily gestures through liquid painting. The expressions on paper are a recording of time, space. and movement. They are documentations of the intra-relationality between body, object, and the surrounding environment. My body’s liquid movements, along with the sun, wind, and earth, affected the final exposure of the work. The choice to display the shadowy-side was an intention to bring light to the beauty of the dark, unknown, and unconscious.

Exhibition: F6 Gallery, Stiftung Kunstlerdorf Schoppingen

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